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First Bar Muscle-Up

Do you have the pulling strength but can’t put the pieces together to obtain the kipping bar muscle up? This skill has 3 portions, the arch, the hollow pull down and the turnover into support. Our program breaks down technique while continuing to build strength and mobility.
Featured image for “Get Your First Bar Muscle-Up”
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Strict Pull-Up

Build strict pulling strength for control and safety before you learn to add kipping momentum.
Featured image for “First Pull-Up Program”
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Lats to Fly

The Lats are the main muscle-mover in all things rig, and even the barbell. Building stronger lats and learning to engage them will help you build overall strength and control.
Featured image for “Building Lats To Fly”
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Pull-Up Endurance

If you have strict pull ups, and want to gain more strict or kipping pulling strength, then you will be challenged in this program.
Featured image for “Pull-Up Endurance”
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Chest to Bar Superstar

Do you want more strict pulling strength to eventually learn bar muscle-ups? This program focuses on strict chest to bar pulling strength so pullups will be a breeze and you will be ready for the next step in training.
Featured image for “Chest to Bar Superstar”
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Butterfly Pull-Up Training

Do you want to increase your speed in your wods and have excellent command of both strict pull-ups & kipping? Then, this program is for you! We will run you through 4 weeks of strength drills, shaping and timing for the BPU and healthy shoulder prehab to keep your body in the best shape possible for this advanced skill.
Featured image for “Butterfly Pull-Up Training”
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Gymnasty Abs

Get a 6 pack like a gymnast!
Featured image for “Gymnasty Abs”
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Toes to Bar Overhaul

Struggling to string together toes to bar or just want to string more together but don’t have the right strength, technique or mobility? Then our overhaul program is just what you need!
Featured image for “Toes to Bar Overhaul”
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Ring Stability & Strength

The rings are the ultimate king for training strength & control. This program will bring you more strength for all ring based movements.
Featured image for “Ring Stability & Strength”
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Strict Ring Muscle-Up

Building strict muscle-up strength sets the foundation for rapid progress when athletes begin kipping muscle-ups. Those that skill this step find themselves not progressing as they’d like. Build slow strength first, then speed & endurance gains come more easily.
Featured image for “First Ring Muscle-Up”
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Ring Muscle-Up Endurance

There is a big difference between one muscle-up and cranking out reps during a metabolic conditioning workout. This program builds your muscle-up volume and improves efficiency under fatigue.
Featured image for “Ring Muscle-Up Kipping & Endurance”
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Pressing Mechanics Gymnastics Based

Still struggling with hspu or pushup volume? Want to master that strict ring dip but need more pressing & tricep strength? This program will focus on just that…building strength to help you with mechanics and more volume.
Featured image for “Pressing Mechanics Gymnastics Based”
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Handstand Strength & Stability

This Program builds balance, stability and strength by focusing on holds & shifting weight drills. Drills can be done scaled from a box or full handstand.
Featured image for “Handstand Strength & Stability”
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Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Tired of failing on just a few reps and losing tension? This program combines strict, kipping, eccentric, scaled deficit, and deficit work to help build maximum capacity.
Featured image for “Get Your First Strict Handstand Pushup”
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Handstand Walking

This program requires a freestanding handstand. It will help you gain better technique for walking and build shoulder strength and endurance!
Featured image for “Handstand Walking Program”
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Handstand Balance Breakthrough

The goal of this program is to help you master holds without using a wall. It can be good for those who can only hold free-standing for only a few seconds to those who are very component on the wall but still haven’t built the confidence to move away from the wall.
Featured image for “Handstand Balance Breakthrough”
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HSPU Endurance

Tired of failing on just a few reps and losing tension? This program combines strict, kipping, eccentric, scaled deficit, and deficit work to help build maximum capacity.
Featured image for “Handstand Push-Up Endurance”
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Gymnasty Weekly Programming

Are you looking to take your gymnastics to the next level? Want to get stronger without having to use a ton of equipment? Then you need to be a member of Performance Plus to get access to our #GYMNASTY weekly programming.
Featured image for “Gymnasty Weekly Programming”
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Building A Strict Bar Muscle-Up

The Strict Bar Muscle-Up requires mastery of pulling strength and body awareness. This 5 week program will help you gain strength and technique using weighted pulling work, negatives and drills to help with speed through the transition and much more!
Featured image for “Build a Strict Bar Muscle-Up”
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Building a Press Handstand

Our program takes a very advanced skill and breaks it down to build each portion of the press handstand. You will spend time focusing on flexibility, strength, balance and technique.
Featured image for “Build a Press Handstand”
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Kipping Pull-Up Mechanics

If you are struggling with Kipping Pull-Ups, this program will guide you through the right amount of muscle memory, strength and technique so you can achieve your first few or improve the ones you already have.
Featured image for “Kipping Pull-Up Mechanics”
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Double Unders For Beginners

Are you frustrated every time you see Double Unders programmed in a workout and you are stuck doing 2x Single Unders? We have just the plan for you! Our 3-day per-week, 5 five-week program is designed to develop techniques for learning to perform “Dubs”. Two days per week will focus on form and the third day will work on calf strength and recovery.
Featured image for “Double Unders For Beginners”
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Bar Muscle-Up Endurance

Tired of doing singles or small sets of Bar Muscle-Ups in workouts and not sure how to build more endurance and technique? With this program you will be introduced to endurance, strength building and Bar MuscleUp workouts to build capacity.
Featured image for “Bar Muscle-Up Endurance”
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Pull-Up Strength

If you have a strict pull-up and want to gain more strength, this is the program for you! If you have a bunch of strict pull-ups, do this program with a weighted vest or light-weighted belt and CRUSH your pull-up strength goals.
Featured image for “Building More Pull-Up Strength”
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Competitive Gymnastics For Fitness Athletes

Featured image for “Competitive Gymnastics For Fitness Athletes”
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Gymnastics Box Programming

This twice-per-week program is designed for functional fitness gyms that want to run group strength & conditioning classes focused on developing gymnastics skills with a sprinkle of MetCon-style workouts.
Featured image for “Gymnastics Box Programming”
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Wall Walk

The Wall Walk is a common skill but also difficult without a proper background in handstand training. Learn to climb a wall like Spiderman with our 5-week program!
Featured image for “Wall Walk Mastery”
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Toes to Bar Overhaul

Struggling to string together toes to bar or just want to string more together but don’t have the right strength, technique or mobility? Then our overhaul program is just what you need!
Featured image for “Toes to Bar Overhaul (v2)”
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Slide Into A Six Pack

If you've been searching for the ideal Core workout, that isn’t just about boring sit ups, AND fits into your busy schedule THAT gets results - you are not alone. Our Slide Into Six Pack program is a fast, fun program to build functional strength in your abs!
Featured image for “Slide Into A Six Pack”
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