Achieve Your Athletic Goals Faster
While Preventing Injuries

Fix your toes to bar In under five weeks

To get linked sets of Toes To Bar you need to stop drilling the movement and try a completely different approach.

Our 15-minute accessory sessions work like magic.

Rx your Toes To Bar

Access exclusive Performance Plus programs to master your favorite skills up to 5X faster

7-Day Money-Back Guarantee | Cancel Anytime

Get Your First Bar Muscle-Up In 5 Weeks Or Less

Fix your Toes To Bar In Under Five Weeks

Access exclusive Performance Plus Programming to master BMU skill faster while also preventing injuries

Become A Better Athlete

To get linked sets of Toes To Bar you need to stop drilling the movement and try a completely different approach.

Our 15-minute accessory sessions work like magic.

Rx Your Toes To Bar






What if you finally figured out the exact exercises you need for effortless RX toes to bar

...then discovered they only took 15 minutes?


There’s nothing worse than seeing people who joined the box after you, finishing WODs before you…because they can do toes to bar.

You’re still swinging between singles as Brandon and Marie are on the next movement.

And those guys have only been doing Crossfit a year!

Then the Open comes around, and you can’t choose RX in case toes to bar show up.

It’s frustrating AF.

And it’s not like you haven’t tried. You’ve watched YouTube videos, downloaded free guides, even asked the best athletes in your box how they linked their first set.

The more you practice toes to bar, the more frustrated you become.

You drill singles.
You drill the kip swing.
You hop up onto the bar after every class.

And your toes still refuse to meet that bar consistently.

Right now, all you have to show for it is gnarly calluses and sore hip flexors.

What is everyone else doing right that you’ve somehow missed?

😖It’s demoralizing to see TTB in a workout and know you’ll have to scale.
🤬It’s super frustrating to attempt RX and be slowed right down by singles.

You’ve got to stop drilling singles and do something completely different.

The secret? Break the movement down and follow a progressive program that builds coordination, technique, and strength.

Put it all together and it kinda feels like magic!

Overhaul your TTB

What if you finally figured out the exact exercises you need for effortless RX toes to bar

...then discovered they only took 15 minutes?


There’s nothing worse than seeing people who joined the box after you, finishing WODs before you…because they can do toes to bar.

You’re still swinging between singles as Brandon and Marie are on the next movement.

And those guys have only been doing Crossfit a year!

Then the Open comes around, and you can’t choose RX in case toes to bar show up.

It’s frustrating AF.

And it’s not like you haven’t tried. You’ve watched YouTube videos, downloaded free guides, even asked the best athletes in your box how they linked their first set.

The more you practice toes to bar, the more frustrated you become.

You drill singles.
You drill the kip swing.
You hop up onto the bar after every class.

And your toes still refuse to meet that bar consistently.

Right now, all you have to show for it is gnarly calluses and sore hip flexors.

What is everyone else doing right that you’ve somehow missed?

😖It’s demoralizing to see TTB in a workout and know you’ll have to scale.
🤬It’s super frustrating to attempt RX and be slowed right down by singles.

You’ve got to stop drilling singles and do something completely different.

The secret? Break the movement down and follow a progressive program that builds coordination, technique, and strength.

Put it all together and it kinda feels like magic!

Overhaul your TTB

2000+ athletes have mastered toes to bar in just WEEKS with our multi-tier approach

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Meet your expert coaches

Introducing Dr. Zach Long & Games Athlete Pamela Gagnon

Dr. Zach Long

Dr. Zach Long - “The Barbell Physio” - is an internationally-recognized physical therapist and strength coach. Zach consults regularly with elite weightlifters, CrossFit games athletes, and professional athletes from a wide range of sports. His expertise is in improving sports performance while simultaneously decreasing injury risk factors. His role at Performance Plus Programming is helping you understand anatomy, movement, and specific mobility work to unlock your skill of choice.

Pamela Gagnon

Pamela Gagnon is a former Division I Gymnast. 4X CrossFit Games athlete, and has been in the sport for 30+ years. She is a leader in body weight strengthening movements and is currently a Lead Coach for CrossFit Gymnastics. She coaches athletes worldwide on strength and gymnastics skills to improve fitness performance. Her role at Performance Plus Programming is to help you build the specific strength, technique, and muscle memory to master RX movements like a pro.

We’re going to guess that this is why you don’t have TTB (yet…)

Mistake #1 - you’ve spent too long drilling singles

Repetition is definitely key. But you’ve got to repeat the right stuff! Most athletes spend time slopping around the bar hoping they’ll some day master the movement. But unless you break down the skill into different components, you’ll spend tons of time and energy - without results.

Mistake #2 - you've focused on the wrong things

Let me guess… you’ve been working on your kip swing, lat strength, and grip endurance? Sure, you need that stuff. But if that’s all you do, toes to bar are gonna continue to frustrate you. With our approach, you’ll break the movement down and work on each area separately. You’ll progress 50%-70% faster than if you continue to drill the movement.

Mistake #3 - you've been given the wrong advice

No shade to the coaches at your box (we’re Crossfit coaches ourselves - we love you guys!) But most coaches simply aren't able to give individual athletes the exact right drills for every movement, all the time. They have a bunch of other stuff to be thinking about! Whereas we focus on one movement at a time so you can get laser-beam focus on what works.

Toes to Bar Overhaul is the only TTB program that uses our multi-tier approach

Our philosophy is that skills need to be broken down into individual components of the movement before you build back up. Simply practicing the movement itself is a waste of your time and energy. When athletes follow a strategic and progressive multi-tier approach to learning, they can unlock even the most challenging skills within weeks.

Get coached by us

Join Performance Plus Programming now

Achieve your athletic goals by learning from the best in the industry


Get started right now with all this

  1. Our multi-tier "Toes To Bar Overhaul" program: 15-minute accessory sessions that address strength, coordination, and technique (no more swinging around on the bar!)
  2. ​​​TTB prehab exercises: correct the flexibility dysfunctions that have been holding you back (and protect your lower back, hip flexors, and lats)
  3. ​​Quick, specific mobility: to open your lats, hamstrings, elbows, and hips (get rid of the mobility movements you don’t need!)
  4. ​​Drills that really work: forget drilling single TTB, these are the exercises that will build timing, coordination, technique, and muscle memory
  5. ​TTB mastery: develop the strength you need for toes to bar (spoiler alert - this stuff carries over to other movements too!)

That’s not all - you’ll also access this

  • Our online Toes To Bar workshop, where we break the skill down, help you understand the anatomy of toes to bar, and explain everything
  • Direct coaching from 4X CrossFit® Games Athlete Pamela Gagnon and Ph.D. Doctor Zach Long via our Facebook group
  • The 2000+ athlete Performance Plus Community to connect and hype each other up along the way

Success guaranteed - or your money back

If you don’t master the skill in 5 weeks, get your money back (assuming you have the necessary prerequisites and follow the program).

One Time Payment

Toes To Bar Overhaul Program


+ online workshop
+ community Facebook group
+ coaching feedback

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One time payment.
Success guarantee.

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Monthly Membership

+ 50+ programs
+ 30+ online workshops
+ community Facebook group
+ coaching feedback

$34.99 /month

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Paid monthly.
7-day money back guarantee.

Best Deal

Annual Membership

(Save $170 per year!)
+ 50+ programs
+ 30+ online workshops
+ community Facebook group
+ coaching feedback

$249 /year

Sign Up

Paid annually.
7-day money back guarantee.

Want to master more skills? Become a monthly or annual member and you’ll get all of this

​​√  Everything in the "Toes To Bar Overhaul" program
​​​√  Access to our catalog of 50+ guided programs
​​√  Unlimited use of our 30+ online skills workshops
​​√  PLUS the support of Zach, Pamela, and our 2,000-strong community

Want to master more skills?  Become a monthly or annual member and you’ll get all of this

​​√  Everything that's included in the "Toes To Bar Overhaul" program
​​​√  Access to our catalog of 50+ guided programs
​​√  Unlimited use of our 30+ online skills workshops
​​√  PLUS the support of Zach, Pamela, and our 2,000-strong community√

Renewals and cancellations: Our subscriptions auto-renew, so you'll be charged again each month or year by default. You can stop the renewal at any time: log into your account and change the status of your subscription by follow these directions.

Χ Stop exhausting your grip with endless rig work

Expected learning time: 6-12 months

Start strategically building coordination and technique

Expected learning time: 5-8 weeks

This is how Toes to Bar Overhaul works where other methods keep you stuck

1) Week 1 - Break it down to build it up

Your coaches Pamela Gagnon and Zach Long will break things down into separate elements so you focus only on developing the muscle groups, technique, and timing that will make your form clean and efficient.


“These are my toes to bar after completing 4 weeks of the program - definitely better than a month ago!” @robmoran417

2) Weeks 2-3 - Build strength and endurance for RX

Using 15-minute hyper-targeted exercises you'll build strength and endurance to master toes to bar 50%-70% faster than with regular methods.  


"The person I want to be in the future is a direct result of the decisions I make today. Improving by the day, even after 40!" @linzzz22

3) Weeks 4-5 - Drill your skill - the right way

Now you step into the real game! We’ll show you how to drill your new skills and create muscle memory for a full-motion exercise. This is when you'll bust out your first sets of linked RX toes to bar (with ease!)


“Went all in for a full 4 months, did several programs including the toes to bar program, and let me tell you, it made SUCH A HUGE difference.” @emilie_p13

4) Week 5+ - Onto the next skill

Savor the victory! Now you’ve experienced how fast our multi-tier approach works, it's time to master another skill. What do you want? Handstand walks? Muscle ups? Double unders? We got you covered with 50+ skill-focused programs available as one-off purchases - or unlimited access with a Performance Plus Programming membership.


“After finishing the program I felt a significant improvement in T2B, almost a sensation of flying!” @lordlaban

You’re not destined to scale workouts forever! You need a different approach to getting RX toes to bar

Frequently Asked Questions

Still here? You really need convincing, huh!

Join more than 2,000 athletes around the world who have mastered toes to bar (and other skills), and send us messages like Robert who said “after finishing the program I felt a significant improvement in T2B, almost a sensation of flying!” and Anthony who got RX toes to bar in 5 weeks.

You can choose a one-off program, or membership which gives you access to our entire library of 50+ programs right away.

You can even get 12 months for the price of 8 with an annual membership.

If that’s not enough, we even offer a full money-back guarantee.

What are you waiting for? Come see how easy it can be.

Get started here

Still here? You really need convincing, huh!

Join more than 2,000 athletes around the world who have mastered toes to bar (and other skills), and send us messages like Robert who said “after finishing the program I felt a significant improvement in T2B, almost a sensation of flying!” and Anthony who got RX toes to bar in 5 weeks.

You can choose a one-off program, or membership which gives you access to our entire library of 50+ programs right away.

You can even get 12 months for the price of 8 with an annual membership.

If that’s not enough, we even offer a full money-back guarantee.

What are you waiting for? Come see how easy it can be.

Get Started Here
