Best CrossFit Mobility Exercises

The Best Mobility Exercises

The movements performed in functional fitness gyms challenge the athlete from a mobility perspective as much as almost any other form of exercise. Rarely do gym-goers challenge the human body’s ability to move through maximal range of motion required for skills like the overhead squat, toes to bar, and muscle-ups. Because of that, many athletes understand the importance of including …

best crossfit gymnastics exercises

The Best Accessory Gymnastics Exercises

One of the most unique components of  cross training compared to other forms of exercise is the variety of gymnastics skills programmed. While many athletes perform pull-ups, few progress to muscles-ups, handstands pushups, and pistol squats. Many athletes struggle progressing to more advanced gymnastics movements doing the daily WOD at their gym. For those athletes, adding in some specific gymnastics …

E20 – Spotting for Better Gymnastic Skills with Pamela Gagnon

On Episode 20 of the Performance Plus Podcast Pamela Gagnon and Coach Johnny B discuss the importance of spotting for learning gymnastics. Topics covered on this episode include Why spotting is important How to spot someone safely How to spot someone during a MetCon The steps to become a good spotter for gymnastics The Performance Plus Podcast is a short, …

E19 – Ask Me Anything with Dr. Zach Long (The Barbell Physio) pt.1

You asked the questions and now they are getting answered. Episode 19 of the Performance Plus Podcast is an Ask Me Anything with Dr. Zach Long. On this episode we cover 13 different questions that were submitted by you via Instagram and email. Check out the episode to hear the following questions answered Best way to measure shoulder mobility progress …


E18 – Breaking Down 22.1 with Pamela Gagnon & Coach Johnny B

The open is upon us! On a special edition of the Performance Plus Podcast, Pamela Gagnon and Coach Johnny break down open workout 22.1 to give you the secrets to crushing this workout. In this episode, Pamela details a strategy and three key tactics to improve your efficiency and overall score. Johnny shares some mobility and prep ideas from Dr. …

Bar muscle-up endurance

Building Bar Muscle-Up Endurance

Want to build more Bar Muscle-Up Endurance but still stuck at singles when the clock is running and your breathing is taxed? Not sure where to begin? Our Bar Muscle-Up Endurance program focuses on three vital components of gymnastics movement progress; Building Strength, Building Work Capacity, and building Endurance. BUILDING STRENGTH: Let’s begin with building strength. It is one of …

E15 – How to build Bar Muscle-Up Endurance with Pamela Gagnon & Coach Johnny B

Tired of doing singles or small sets of Bar Muscle-Ups in workouts and not sure how to build more endurance and technique? Then you need to check out this weeks episode of Performance Plus Programming podcast where Pamela Gagnon and Coach Johnny B detail our new Bar Muscle-Up Endurance program. Let’s goooooo! Topics Include -Why people are limited in doing many bar …

Dumbbell Strength Exercises for CrossFit

Best Dumbbell Strength Exercises for Fitness Athletes

The dumbbell has long been a staple in the strength & conditioning world but was relatively underutilized in the cimmunity until 2017 when the dumbbell appeared in the first two Open workouts of that year. Since then, the dumbbell has become significantly more popular in programming as a whole. At Performance Plus, we specialize in building accessory programming to build …