best crossfit gymnastics exercises

The Best Accessory Gymnastics Exercises

One of the most unique components of  cross training compared to other forms of exercise is the variety of gymnastics skills programmed. While many athletes perform pull-ups, few progress to muscles-ups, handstands pushups, and pistol squats. Many athletes struggle progressing to more advanced gymnastics movements doing the daily WOD at their gym. For those athletes, adding in some specific gymnastics …

Handstand Pushup Strength Progression

Building to your first strict handstand pushup requires considerable upper body strength and balance. You will need to get comfortable being inverted while building strength in the triceps, shoulders, pecs, and back muscles. Here is a basic guideline for learning the strict handstand push-up against a wall. For more help developing gymnastics strength, download our FREE 3-week Gymnastics Booster program! …