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Upper Body,
Ring Dip Technique Breakdown
Ring Dip Technique Breakdown In this video, we talk through the ring dip points of performance of the ring dip. I want you to notice is that as Pamela does the ring dip, those rings are being held close to her body. Her torso’s fairly upright as she goes up and down into the motion. There are going to be...
E23 – Ask Me Anything with Pamela Gagnon pt.2
You asked the questions and now they are getting answered. Episode 22 of the Performance Plus Podcast is an Ask Me Anything with Pamela Gagnon. On this episode we cover 5 different questions that were submitted by you via Instagram and email. Favorite food memory from travels Do her kids do constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity? Does...
Lower Body,
Upper Body,
The Best Strength Accessory Exercises
Many athletes that begin functional fitness training fall in love with the pursuit of greater levels of strength. Crushing that next PR is always a great feeling. But often, the daily WOD isn’t enough to build maximal strength. If you are wanting to bump up your strength, we have ten Fitness Athlete Strength Accessory exercises that you need to incorporate....
E22 – Ask Me Anything with Pamela Gagnon pt.1
You asked the questions and now they are getting answered. Episode 22 of the Performance Plus Podcast is an Ask Me Anything with Pamela Gagnon. On this episode we 10 cover different questions that were submitted by you via Instagram and email. Pamela talks about learning to play the guitar Better Jersey rock icon: Springsteen or Bon Jovi Better Jersey...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
The Best Mobility Exercises
The movements performed in functional fitness gyms challenge the athlete from a mobility perspective as much as almost any other form of exercise. Rarely do gym-goers challenge the human body’s ability to move through maximal range of motion required for skills like the overhead squat, toes to bar, and muscle-ups. Because of that, many athletes understand the importance of including...
Injury Prevention,
The Best Accessory Gymnastics Exercises
One of the most unique components of cross training compared to other forms of exercise is the variety of gymnastics skills programmed. While many athletes perform pull-ups, few progress to muscles-ups, handstands pushups, and pistol squats. Many athletes struggle progressing to more advanced gymnastics movements doing the daily WOD at their gym. For those athletes, adding in some specific gymnastics...
E21 – Metrics Your Should Be Tracking with Dr. Zach Long
With the proliferation of wearables in the world there are million different metrics you can measure. So how do you know which ones matter? Tune into episode 21 of the Performance Plus Podcast to hear Dr. Zach Long and Coach Johnny B discuss important health and fitness metrics you should be tracking. Topics covered on this episode include What measurable...
E20 – Spotting for Better Gymnastic Skills with Pamela Gagnon
On Episode 20 of the Performance Plus Podcast Pamela Gagnon and Coach Johnny B discuss the importance of spotting for learning gymnastics. Topics covered on this episode include Why spotting is important How to spot someone safely How to spot someone during a MetCon The steps to become a good spotter for gymnastics The Performance Plus Podcast is a short,...
Injury Prevention,
Physical Therapy,
E19 – Ask Me Anything with Dr. Zach Long (The Barbell Physio) pt.1
You asked the questions and now they are getting answered. Episode 19 of the Performance Plus Podcast is an Ask Me Anything with Dr. Zach Long. On this episode we cover 13 different questions that were submitted by you via Instagram and email. Check out the episode to hear the following questions answered Best way to measure shoulder mobility progress...