kipping pull-up mobility requirements

Strict & Kipping Pull-up Technique Cues

In this video, Zach and Pamela are going to break down the mechanics of the strict pull-up and kipping pull-up. Inside Performance Plus, we’ve got several programs to help you crush all your pull-up goals! Check those out for help, no matter where you are in your pull-up strength progression! Two notes: we always advocate for having adequate strict pull-up …

ring dip technique breakdown

Ring Dip Technique Breakdown

Ring Dip Technique Breakdown In this video, we talk through the ring dip points of performance of the ring dip. I want you to notice is that as Pamela does the ring dip, those rings are being held close to her body. Her torso’s fairly upright as she goes up and down into the motion. There are going to be …

Best CrossFit Strength exercises

The Best Strength Accessory Exercises

Many athletes that begin functional fitness training fall in love with the pursuit of greater levels of strength. Crushing that next PR is always a great feeling. But often, the daily WOD isn’t enough to build maximal strength. If you are wanting to bump up your strength, we have ten Fitness Athlete Strength Accessory exercises that you need to incorporate. …

kipping pull-ups

The Best Exercises to Learn Kipping Pull-ups

Have you been struggling to learn how to do kipping pull-ups? Do you want to know the best exercises for learning these moves? If so, this blog post is for you. Keep reading! For more exercises to boost your performance in WODs, try our FREE 3-week Gymnastics Booster program! Why Perform Kipping Pull-Ups? Coach Glassman’s methodology focuses on performing more …

best drills to improve overhead mobility

The Best Drills to Improve Overhead Mobility

The functional fitness athlete participating in the sport of fitness and Olympic weightlifting challenge their full-body mobility more than almost any other form of activity. Without proper mobility, these athletes sacrifice optimal positioning, slowing them down and decreasing the weight lifted. One of the most common mobility limitations these athletes will see is in their overhead positioning. In this article, …

E3 – Strict Strength Pre-requisites for Gymnastics with Pamela Gagnon

On episode 3 of the Performance Plus Programming Podcast, gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon joins Coach Johnny B to detail the strict strength pre-requisites for gymnastics movements. Here are the topics we covered in this episode: The 2 foundations of gymnastics movements How many reps of strict gymnastics do we need to have before progressing onto kipping? One of the best …

Handstand Pushup Strength Progression

Building to your first strict handstand pushup requires considerable upper body strength and balance. You will need to get comfortable being inverted while building strength in the triceps, shoulders, pecs, and back muscles. Here is a basic guideline for learning the strict handstand push-up against a wall. For more help developing gymnastics strength, download our FREE 3-week Gymnastics Booster program! …

Strict Bar Muscle Up Progression

Strict Bar Muscle Up Progression

The strict bar muscle-up is a very challenging exercise requiring significant upper body strength and coordination. In the following video, Pamela Gagnon breaks down a strict bar muscle-up progression to help you reach your goals! For more in-depth assistance getting your first strict bar muscle-up, check out our recently released five-week muscle up program on Performance Plus. We’ve helped thousands …