Overhead Press Mobility

Overhead Press Technique

In this video, Zach and Pamela discuss the overhead press and the points of performance for this exercise. While this is a simple exercise, a few technique considerations will help you lift more weights, and keep your shoulders feeling good as you progress! At Performance Plus, we have several programs to help our your overhead press: Overhead Mobility Overhaul for …

Pamela Gagnon Push-Up

Pushup Technique

In this video, we look at push up points of performance. These points of performance will also translate in a lot of ways to the bench press and dips, other horizontal pressing variations. While this is a simple exercise, a better understanding of pushup technique will help you hit more reps and keep your shoulders feeling great as you do …

back vs front squats

Back vs. Front Squats – Understanding The Differences

Back squats vs. Front Squats, which is your favorite? Most athletes will prefer one of these over the other but usually can’t say why. Or they can’t understand why one of these variations feels better for them than the other. We’d love to shed some light on the differences between back vs. front squats to help you understand when to …

pistol squat mobility requirements

Pistol Squat Mobility Assessment

In this video, we talk through pistol squat mechanics. The pistol squat’s going to be a challenging movement. It requires a lot of mobility, a lot of strength, a lot of coordination. And we’re going to break that down into its components, for those of you that are building to improving your technique. Be sure to also check out our …

hanstand mobility requirements

Handstand Hold Technique

Struggling with your handstand hold technique? Zach and Pamela have a great tip for you to improve your shoulder stability in the freestanding handstand. Improving this will help you progress to higher hold times and better progress with handstand walking! Be sure to check out our handstand programs we offer at Performance Plus to help you crush your goals!   …

Best CrossFit Mobility Exercises

The Best Mobility Exercises

The movements performed in functional fitness gyms challenge the athlete from a mobility perspective as much as almost any other form of exercise. Rarely do gym-goers challenge the human body’s ability to move through maximal range of motion required for skills like the overhead squat, toes to bar, and muscle-ups. Because of that, many athletes understand the importance of including …

E19 – Ask Me Anything with Dr. Zach Long (The Barbell Physio) pt.1

You asked the questions and now they are getting answered. Episode 19 of the Performance Plus Podcast is an Ask Me Anything with Dr. Zach Long. On this episode we cover 13 different questions that were submitted by you via Instagram and email. Check out the episode to hear the following questions answered Best way to measure shoulder mobility progress …


E18 – Breaking Down 22.1 with Pamela Gagnon & Coach Johnny B

The open is upon us! On a special edition of the Performance Plus Podcast, Pamela Gagnon and Coach Johnny break down open workout 22.1 to give you the secrets to crushing this workout. In this episode, Pamela details a strategy and three key tactics to improve your efficiency and overall score. Johnny shares some mobility and prep ideas from Dr. …

best drills to improve ankle mobility

The Best Drills to Improve Ankle Mobility

For the fitness athlete, ankle mobility may be the most critical joint in the body. Without adequate ankle dorsiflexion, many functional movements like squats, push presses, and running will have altered form. The following article will outline what we believe to be the five best drills to improve ankle mobility. As an illustration of how poor ankle mobility can impact …