preparing for the 2025 open

Preparing for the 2025 Open WODs

Preparing for the 2025 Open WODs If you aim to improve your performance year-over-year in the CrossFit Open, this article is for you. We’ve seen a shift in CrossFit’s programming bias in the Open over the last two years, and understanding these changes and historically common movements will help you best prepare for the CrossFit Open. In recent CrossFit Opens, …

Best Exercises to Improve Lower Back Mobility

Unlock Lower Back Mobility

In this video, we dive into the world of lower back mobility and the significance of spine flexion. Many individuals focus solely on bracing and maintaining a neutral spine, neglecting the natural movement capabilities of the spine. Join me as we debunk myths, explore key exercises, and unlock the secrets to improving spine flexion for enhanced lower back health. Lower …

Shoulder Health for CrossFit Athlete

Shoulder Health for the Fitness Athlete

For the fitness athletes participating in sports, such as CrossFit, understanding how important shoulder health is to your long-term performance is vital. Far too often, limitations and mobility, strength, and technique during various CrossFit movements result in excessive strain being placed on the shoulder. This is one reason why the shoulder is one of the more frequently injured areas of …

Bent vs Straight Leg Toes to Bar

Bent Vs Straight Leg Toes to Bar

Bent Vs. Straight Leg Toes to Bar Toes the bar are a challenging core, lat, and cardiovascular system exercise commonly found in functional fitness workouts. But when you watch athletes perform them, you’ll notice that some perform this exercise with straight legs and others by bending their knees. In this video, gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon breaks down Bent Vs Straight …

core strength overhaul

Accessory Workouts For Fitness Athletes

Many fitness athletes crush their daily WOD, eat right, and sleep properly. But still, they find themselves looking for just a little more to help push their performance. For many athletes, adding targeted accessory workouts can be the key to hitting their performance goals. At Performance Plus, we specialize in writing accessory programs for athletes of all levels, helping you …

Crossfit ab exercises for gymnastics performance

Three Killer Ab Exercises

For the fitness athlete, abs aren’t just about looking good. Their strength will directly translate to better performance in various gymnastics movements like muscle-ups. Gymnastics expert, Pamela Gagnon, shares three killer ab exercises in this video that will improve your core strength and gymnastics skills! – Ab Exercises Transcript Pamela Gagnon here from, and I’m going to share with …

Deadlift mobility requirements

S2E3 – Why Rounded Back During A Lift Won’t Hurt You

Today we are talking about the general fear people have around rounding their back while lifting.  Recently we saw a popular influencer who put a video up of a golfer rounding his back over as he reached into the hole to pick a golf ball. The IG personality claimed said golfer would herniate the discs in his spine from picking …

Best CrossFit Strength exercises

The Best Strength Accessory Exercises

Many athletes that begin functional fitness training fall in love with the pursuit of greater levels of strength. Crushing that next PR is always a great feeling. But often, the daily WOD isn’t enough to build maximal strength. If you are wanting to bump up your strength, we have ten Fitness Athlete Strength Accessory exercises that you need to incorporate. …

best crossfit gymnastics exercises

The Best Accessory Gymnastics Exercises

One of the most unique components of  cross training compared to other forms of exercise is the variety of gymnastics skills programmed. While many athletes perform pull-ups, few progress to muscles-ups, handstands pushups, and pistol squats. Many athletes struggle progressing to more advanced gymnastics movements doing the daily WOD at their gym. For those athletes, adding in some specific gymnastics …