Shoulder Health for the Fitness Athlete

For the fitness athletes participating in sports, such as CrossFit, understanding how important shoulder health is to your long-term performance is vital. Far too often, limitations and mobility, strength, and technique during various CrossFit movements result in excessive strain being placed on the shoulder. This is one reason why the shoulder is one of the more frequently injured areas of the body for the CrossFit athlete.
In the following video, Zach Long, and Pamela Gagnon break down what you need to do to keep your shoulders healthy as you perform muscle-ups, ring dips, push-ups, toes to bar, and kipping pull-ups.
Performance Plus Programs to improve your shoulder health:
Time Stamps:
- 1:19 Vertical Pushing & Pulling Mobility
- 5:45 Kipping Mechanics
- 11:30 Overhead Squat
- 18:35 Horizontal Pressing
- 22:36 Dips
- 25:55 Performance Plus Programs to Assist