best crossfit gymnastics exercises

The Best Accessory Gymnastics Exercises

One of the most unique components of  cross training compared to other forms of exercise is the variety of gymnastics skills programmed. While many athletes perform pull-ups, few progress to muscles-ups, handstands pushups, and pistol squats. Many athletes struggle progressing to more advanced gymnastics movements doing the daily WOD at their gym. For those athletes, adding in some specific gymnastics …

E19 – Ask Me Anything with Dr. Zach Long (The Barbell Physio) pt.1

You asked the questions and now they are getting answered. Episode 19 of the Performance Plus Podcast is an Ask Me Anything with Dr. Zach Long. On this episode we cover 13 different questions that were submitted by you via Instagram and email. Check out the episode to hear the following questions answered Best way to measure shoulder mobility progress …

kipping pull-ups

The Best Exercises to Learn Kipping Pull-ups

Have you been struggling to learn how to do kipping pull-ups? Do you want to know the best exercises for learning these moves? If so, this blog post is for you. Keep reading! For more exercises to boost your performance in WODs, try our FREE 3-week Gymnastics Booster program! Why Perform Kipping Pull-Ups? Coach Glassman’s methodology focuses on performing more …

best drills to improve ankle mobility

The Best Drills to Improve Ankle Mobility

For the fitness athlete, ankle mobility may be the most critical joint in the body. Without adequate ankle dorsiflexion, many functional movements like squats, push presses, and running will have altered form. The following article will outline what we believe to be the five best drills to improve ankle mobility. As an illustration of how poor ankle mobility can impact …

best drills to improve overhead mobility

The Best Drills to Improve Overhead Mobility

The functional fitness athlete participating in the sport of fitness and Olympic weightlifting challenge their full-body mobility more than almost any other form of activity. Without proper mobility, these athletes sacrifice optimal positioning, slowing them down and decreasing the weight lifted. One of the most common mobility limitations these athletes will see is in their overhead positioning. In this article, …


E4 – How to Program Mobility Work with Dr. Zach Long & Coach Johnny B

On Episode 4 of the Performance Plus Podcast Dr. Zach Long and Coach Johnny B discuss how to program mobility work. Topics include The most important detail of programming mobility How to structure a mobility program When to implement mobility work (before or after a workout) The appropriate amount of time to foam roll/do lacrosse ball work What to do …

E3 – Strict Strength Pre-requisites for Gymnastics with Pamela Gagnon

On episode 3 of the Performance Plus Programming Podcast, gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon joins Coach Johnny B to detail the strict strength pre-requisites for gymnastics movements. Here are the topics we covered in this episode: The 2 foundations of gymnastics movements How many reps of strict gymnastics do we need to have before progressing onto kipping? One of the best …

buuterfly pullups for beginners performance plus programming

The Butterfly Pull-up For Beginners

The Butterfly Pull-up is an advanced pull-up variation used by athletes participating in the sport of fitness. This movement requires significant strength, mobility, and coordination to perform. Fitness athletes perform the butterfly pull-up because it allows them to perform more pull-ups in less time, which creates a large benefit in competition. But many athletes fall into the trap of jumping …