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Lower Body,
Best Dumbbell Strength Exercises for Fitness Athletes
The dumbbell has long been a staple in the strength & conditioning world but was relatively underutilized in the cimmunity until 2017 when the dumbbell appeared in the first two Open workouts of that year. Since then, the dumbbell has become significantly more popular in programming as a whole. At Performance Plus, we specialize in building accessory programming to build...
E14 – How to Press to Handstand with Pamela Gagnon & Coach Johnny B
A press handstand is one of the coolest ways to show off your crazy gymnastics strength and control. It’s also one of the most difficult bodyweight skills a human can do. On this episode of the Performance Plus Podcast former gymnast and Games athlete Pamela Gagnon sits down with Coach Johnny B to share the secrets of doing a Press...
Injury Prevention,
Upper Body,
The Best Exercises to Learn Kipping Pull-ups
Have you been struggling to learn how to do kipping pull-ups? Do you want to know the best exercises for learning these moves? If so, this blog post is for you. Keep reading! For more exercises to boost your performance in WODs, try our FREE 3-week Gymnastics Booster program! Why Perform Kipping Pull-Ups? Coach Glassman’s methodology focuses on performing more...
Bar Muscle-Ups,
Upper Body,
E13 – Why You Can’t String Bar Muscle-Ups or Toes To Bar and How To Fix It with Coach Johnny B
Do you know what sucks? Being able to do 1 bar muscle-up but not string together more. Do you know what else sucks? That annoying little middle kip during sets of toes to bar. Good news, we know why!!! Bad news, it’s because you aren’t strong enough. MORE GOOD NEWS we can fix it. Tune into this very brief episode...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
The Best Drills to Improve Ankle Mobility
For the fitness athlete, ankle mobility may be the most critical joint in the body. Without adequate ankle dorsiflexion, many functional movements like squats, push presses, and running will have altered form. The following article will outline what we believe to be the five best drills to improve ankle mobility. As an illustration of how poor ankle mobility can impact...
E11 – The Best Fitness Apps with Pamela Gagnon, Dr. Zach Long & Johnny B
On Episode 11 of the Performance Plus Programming podcast, Pamela Gagnon, Dr. Zach Long, and Coach Johnny B share their favorite fitness apps. Fitness Apps Covered On The Show: RP Diet (code pamela10 to save) – a fantastic app for tracking your nutrition intake as well as having some incredibly helpful tools such as a grocery list builder. MyFitness Pal – Zach’s...
E10 – Why You Can’t Handstand Walk with Pamela Gagnon and Johnny B
Are you smashing your head into the wall trying to learn how to handstand walk? Have you been practicing the handstand walk weekly or daily with no progress? Then you need to check out episode 10 of the Performance Plus Programming Podcast because gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon sits down to explain why you (and I) can’t handstand walk and provide...
E9 – Preparing for the Open with Pamela Gagnon, Dr. Zach Long and Coach Johnny B
The Open is coming. We are less than two months away. So we thought it would be a good time for all three of us to jump on the podcast to discuss what you need to be doing to get ready for the Open. Topics Include: What movements do we think you should be working on How to properly triage...
E8 – Gymnastics Conditioning Program with Dr. Zach Long and Coach Johnny B
Do you have a hard time getting off the assault bike and doing muscle-ups? Are sets of 25 toes to bar in a metcon a problem? If so then you need to check out Episode 8 of the Performance Plus Programming Podcast. On this episode Dr. Zach Long (DPT) and Coach Johnny B (MS, CFL3) sit down to talk about...