E34 – Grip For Gymnastics Skills

On episode 34 of the Performance Plus Podcast, we deeply dive into how to grip for pull-ups, muscle-ups, and toes to bar. We kick the episode off by covering why the sketch grip (no thumbs) is not an option—explaining it from a performance and safety perspective. Then we roll into variations of a gymnastics grip for different implements like rings, …


The 6-12-25 Method for Hypertrophy Gains

On this podcast episode, Dr. Zach Long and Coach Johnny B discuss the 6-12-25 method. Want to get JACKED? If you are looking for body builder-like hypertrophy gains, Charles Poliquin’s famous 6-12-25 method is for you! It is the fastest way to get ripped without getting skinny. The 6-12-25 method, popularized by Charles Poliquin, facilitates massive lactate spikes, facilitating growth …