Best Exercises to Improve Hip Mobility

Unlock Your Hip Mobility

Are you looking to take your workouts to the next level by improving your hip mobility? In this video, we will guide you through the top 5 hip mobility exercises that will not only help you enhance your squats but also reduce knee and low back pain. Let’s dive into the world of hip mobility and discover the key exercises …

knee pain with squatting

Knee Pain While Squatting with Dr. Zach Long (DPT)

We’re back! After a long time off, the Performance Plus Podcast returns for another season of sharing helpful information for fitness athletes. This week Dr. Zach Long and Coach Johnny B sit down to dissect knee pain while squatting. This condition is commonly referred to as Patellar Femoral Pain Syndrome in the medical community. The diagnosis refers to non-specific pain …

core strength overhaul

Accessory Workouts For Fitness Athletes

Many fitness athletes crush their daily WOD, eat right, and sleep properly. But still, they find themselves looking for just a little more to help push their performance. For many athletes, adding targeted accessory workouts can be the key to hitting their performance goals. At Performance Plus, we specialize in writing accessory programs for athletes of all levels, helping you …

fixing a hip shift in a squat

How to Fix a Hip Shift in a Squat

Many athletes have a hip shift during their squats where they shift their body weight towards one side during the lift. This can often be a difficult and frustrating issue to resolve. In this video, we’ll break down how to fix a hip shift during squats by examining how pain, strength, and mobility can all contribute to this issue. Many …

shoulder pain with snatches

Shoulder Pain with Snatches

One of the most common complaints we hear fitness athletes dealing with is shoulder pain during snatches or overhead squats. If you need help improving your snatch positioning or reducing shoulder pain, check out this video for a few great tips!   Shoulder Pain with Snatches Transcript Hey everybody, Zach and Pamela from and today, we’re talking about shoulder …

back vs front squats

Back vs. Front Squats – Understanding The Differences

Back squats vs. Front Squats, which is your favorite? Most athletes will prefer one of these over the other but usually can’t say why. Or they can’t understand why one of these variations feels better for them than the other. We’d love to shed some light on the differences between back vs. front squats to help you understand when to …

pistol squat mobility requirements

Pistol Squat Mobility Assessment

In this video, we talk through pistol squat mechanics. The pistol squat’s going to be a challenging movement. It requires a lot of mobility, a lot of strength, a lot of coordination. And we’re going to break that down into its components, for those of you that are building to improving your technique. Be sure to also check out our …

Best CrossFit Strength exercises

The Best Strength Accessory Exercises

Many athletes that begin functional fitness training fall in love with the pursuit of greater levels of strength. Crushing that next PR is always a great feeling. But often, the daily WOD isn’t enough to build maximal strength. If you are wanting to bump up your strength, we have ten Fitness Athlete Strength Accessory exercises that you need to incorporate. …

Best CrossFit Mobility Exercises

The Best Mobility Exercises

The movements performed in functional fitness gyms challenge the athlete from a mobility perspective as much as almost any other form of exercise. Rarely do gym-goers challenge the human body’s ability to move through maximal range of motion required for skills like the overhead squat, toes to bar, and muscle-ups. Because of that, many athletes understand the importance of including …