Shoulder Health for CrossFit Athlete

Shoulder Health for the Fitness Athlete

For the fitness athletes participating in sports, such as CrossFit, understanding how important shoulder health is to your long-term performance is vital. Far too often, limitations and mobility, strength, and technique during various CrossFit movements result in excessive strain being placed on the shoulder. This is one reason why the shoulder is one of the more frequently injured areas of …

top squat mobility drills

The Top Squat Mobility Drills

Are you struggling with squat depth and mobility? So many athletes find their squats coming up short and can’t seem to unlock their full range of motion. If you are ready to get serious about your squat mobility, these drills will get you on the right track! Choosing the Best Squat Mobility Drills As with any issue, specific problems require …


S3E3 – How To Fix A Tendinopathy

On this Performance Plus Programming podcast episode, Dr. Zach Long and Coach Johnny B dive deeply into treating tendinopathy injuries for the fitness athlete. Tendinopathy Podcast Topics: The difference between tendinopathy and tendonitis Why athletes get tendinopathy How to treat a tendinopathy Why Inflammation is a normal process in the body How to find the right medical provider to get …

Deadlift mobility requirements

S2E3 – Why Rounded Back During A Lift Won’t Hurt You

Today we are talking about the general fear people have around rounding their back while lifting.  Recently we saw a popular influencer who put a video up of a golfer rounding his back over as he reached into the hole to pick a golf ball. The IG personality claimed said golfer would herniate the discs in his spine from picking …