Ski Erg Technique

Ski Erg Technique for the Fitness Athlete

Ski Erg Technique for the Fitness Athlete Ski Erg Technique Podcast Timeline: 00:00 Introduction to SkiErg Technique 01:00 Understanding the Goal of SkiErg 02:03 Proper Stance and Setup 02:40 Phases of the SkiErg Stroke 03:44 The Drive Phase 05:19 The Follow Through 07:19 The Recovery Phase 08:06 Adjusting Damper and Stroke Rate 09:53 Conclusion and Additional Resources In this episode …

preparing for the 2025 open

Preparing for the 2025 Open WODs

Preparing for the 2025 Open WODs If you aim to improve your performance year-over-year in the CrossFit Open, this article is for you. We’ve seen a shift in CrossFit’s programming bias in the Open over the last two years, and understanding these changes and historically common movements will help you best prepare for the CrossFit Open. In recent CrossFit Opens, …

Best Exercises to Improve Ankle Mobility

Unlock Your Ankle Mobility

Unlock Your Ankle Mobility Are you looking to level up your ankle mobility for improved performance in activities like jumping, squats, and directional movements? In this blog, I’ll be sharing my top four favorite ankle mobility exercises that can help you achieve better mobility and flexibility. Let’s dive into the world of ankle mobility and unleash your full potential! Looking …

best thoracic mobility exercises

The Best Thoracic Mobility Exericses

In this video, we will share our top four favorite exercises that have proven to be game-changers when it comes to improving thoracic spine mobility. These exercises not only target the upper back but also help in enhancing overall performance in various physical activities. Let’s explore these exercises together and unlock a new level of flexibility and strength. Want a …

Shoulder Health for CrossFit Athlete

Shoulder Health for the Fitness Athlete

For the fitness athletes participating in sports, such as CrossFit, understanding how important shoulder health is to your long-term performance is vital. Far too often, limitations and mobility, strength, and technique during various CrossFit movements result in excessive strain being placed on the shoulder. This is one reason why the shoulder is one of the more frequently injured areas of …

Kipping Pull-up Tutorial

Kipping Pull-up Tutorial

Are you ready to take your pull-up game to the next level? In this tutorial, we will delve into the intricacies of the Kipping pull-up, breaking down the essential steps and techniques required to master this dynamic movement. Proven programs to help you crush your kipping pull-up goals: First Strict Pull-up Kipping Pull-up Mechanics Lats to Fly Kipping Pull-ups Tutorial …

Bent vs Straight Leg Toes to Bar

Bent Vs Straight Leg Toes to Bar

Bent Vs. Straight Leg Toes to Bar Toes the bar are a challenging core, lat, and cardiovascular system exercise commonly found in functional fitness workouts. But when you watch athletes perform them, you’ll notice that some perform this exercise with straight legs and others by bending their knees. In this video, gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon breaks down Bent Vs Straight …

E34 – Grip For Gymnastics Skills

On episode 34 of the Performance Plus Podcast, we deeply dive into how to grip for pull-ups, muscle-ups, and toes to bar. We kick the episode off by covering why the sketch grip (no thumbs) is not an option—explaining it from a performance and safety perspective. Then we roll into variations of a gymnastics grip for different implements like rings, …

Building CrossFit Pull-up Strength

Building Pull-up Strength

So you just joined the box, and you see all this swinging and kipping on the rig. You are wondering, first, what in the world is going on? And second, how can I do that, or should I do that? Is this the right way to build pull-up strength? Well, what you don’t realize is the foundation of the Kipping …