Deadlift Cycle
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Crush Your Goals
reach your deadlift goals:
If you've been wanting to crush your current PR on the deadlift, you're in the right place. Whether you've been lifting for months or just have trained for years, we can get you the strength and fundamentals needed to reach your strength goals.
Build the foundation
This six-week program focuses on building strength and technique specific to maximizing your deadlift.
Kill bad form
Anyone can be a YouTube fitness coach. 3x games athlete Pamela Gagnon and Doctor Zach Long have the experience and knowledge to help you avoid the pitfalls of bad form and injury. The accessory exercises built into this program will build up all the key areas that keep you healthy while pushing your performance.
How to use this program
This could be combined with our Bench Press 2 day program for a general powerlifting program or you can sub out your usual strength piece before the metcon style workout twice per week with this program. We do recommend not hitting intense metcons on the same day as you perform this program. If you want to perform some metabolic conditioning during Deadlift days then we recommend some lower impact, steady state cardio or intervals on the Assault Bike or Rower.
Performance Training Done the Right Way
As a physical therapist, I see injuries happen from poor form and overtraining all the time. Athletes training for powerlifting without a solid plan get injured far too often, leading to them halting their skills training and ultimately not reaching their goals. Our program balances strength work, technique drills, and prehab exercises to build you up without breaking you down!
Learn from the best
- Good deadlift form
- Six weeks
- Twice per week workouts
- Workouts lasting approximately 60 minutes
There’s nothing like the feeling of success!
With the right drills, prehab exercises, and guidance, you can get there more quickly and injury-free.
Whether you’re getting ready for a competition or just want to get stronger, we’ve got the step-by-step guidance you need to take your powerlifting to the next level.
Inside the app
A personal trainer without the cost
DON’T stop with just one program
Membership includes all of them!
We have an EVER GROWING list of programming designed to make you the athlete you know you can be!
Here's what you get:
An App for Your Phone
Have a goal? We have a program for that! Membership includes access to over 50 programs that will help you achieve all of your strength, endurance, skill & mobility goals.