back squat
Break out the mobility requirements for back squats so that you can get in the best positions for efficient technique and skills development!
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Back squat breakdown
The back squat is a staple of most strength programs because of its' unparalleled ability to build leg strength. From a mobility perspective, we'll be focused on the ankles and hips for this movement.
ankle mobility
For ankle mobility specific to the back squat, we need to look at two pieces. First, ankle dorsiflexion, or our ability to drive the knee forward as we squat. Second, we want to assess lateral ankle mobility so that we can drive the knees out during the squat.
hip scour
Identifying your hip joint's optimal position for squatting to depth is the next important step for the back squat. We'll utilize the hip scour test for this.
hip internal and external rotation
For those needing more hip mobility to squat, opening up rotation often gets us more depth. We will analyze hip internal and external rotation to identify the direction your hip mobility work should emphasize.