Take Your Training
To The Next Level

Get the support you need as a fitness athlete with accessory programs to help achieve your goals,
from getting your first bar muscle-up to competing in the games.

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Take Your Training
To The Next Level

Get the support you need as a fitness athlete with accessory programs to help achieve your goals,
from getting your first bar muscle-up to competing in the games.

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What Is the Performance Plus Membership?

The Performance Plus Programming membership gives you access to over 50 programs to help you master skills faster than while also avoiding any injuries. 

Since 2015, we've helped 10,000+ athletes master gymnastics movements, fix mobility limitations, and optimize strength and endurance.

Membership also gives you access to coaching from CrossFit Games Athlete Pamela Gagnon and Doctor of Physical Therapist Zach Long from the comfort of your home. 

I did it! I got my first bar muscle-up.
I've been literally working on this for four years. I finally got it!

I've overhauled my mobility, got kipping down and added 50 lbs to my squat. All because of Performance Plus

David W

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Why Become A Performance Plus Member

  1. 1
    Access to the 50+ Performance Plus programs to help you master get better at CrossFit® faster
  2. 2
    Exclusive movement-technique workshops to help refine your skills
  3. 3
    A community of 3,000+ Performance Plus athletes to share successes, and connect with other athletes
  4. 4
    Direct coaching from Pamela Gagnon, Dr. Zach Long and Coach Johnny B
  5. 5
    7-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you're not happy get a full refund, no questions asked.
  6. 6
    A great app to track your progress and access content.

Programs Included In Memebership

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    Programs Included In Memebership

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      Meet Our Coaches

      Dr. Zach Long


      Dr. Zach Long, better known as The Barbell Physio, is an internationally known physical therapist and strength coach. Zach consults regularly with elite weightlifters, CrossFit games athletes, and professional athletes from a wide range of sports. His expertise is in improving sports performance while simultaneously decreasing injury risk factors.

      Pamela Gagnon


      Pamela Gagnon is a leader in the area of body weight strengthening movements for today’s athletes and is currently a Lead Coach for CrossFit Gymnastics. Her background as a Division I Gymnast and 3x CrossFit Games Masters athlete has given her over 30 years of experience as an athlete & coach. She coaches athletes worldwide on how to implement strength and gymnastics skills to improve their fitness performance.

      Coach Johnny B


      Johnny Bouchard is a coach (Ms, CFL3) and licensed manual therapist with backgrounds in sports therapy, rehab, & strength/conditioning - and of course training for endurance athletes. He has owned and operated CrossFit gyms, worked with NFL, MLS, MLB, and D1 collegiate teams and trained and treated hundreds of endurance and multi-sport athletes, including Olympians.

      As an athlete he has ran a sub 3:00 hour marathon, completed every distance of triathlon (including a full Ironman) and trains in jiu-jitsu, boxing. He does all of this with CrossFit as his base for performance.

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