E44 – How To Goal Set When You Have So Many Goals!

How do you prioritize your goals when you want to improve your snatch, deadlift, handstand, bar muscle-up, and engine simultaneously? Tune into this episode of the Performance Plus Podcast to hear how Coach Pamela Gagnon successfully does this with her athletes. Topics Covered How to goal set What skills are foundational and translate to all other physical skills How to …

top squat mobility drills

The Top Squat Mobility Drills

Are you struggling with squat depth and mobility? So many athletes find their squats coming up short and can’t seem to unlock their full range of motion. If you are ready to get serious about your squat mobility, these drills will get you on the right track! Choosing the Best Squat Mobility Drills As with any issue, specific problems require …

Bent vs Straight Leg Toes to Bar

Bent Vs Straight Leg Toes to Bar

Bent Vs. Straight Leg Toes to Bar Toes the bar are a challenging core, lat, and cardiovascular system exercise commonly found in functional fitness workouts. But when you watch athletes perform them, you’ll notice that some perform this exercise with straight legs and others by bending their knees. In this video, gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon breaks down Bent Vs Straight …

E34 – Grip For Gymnastics Skills

On episode 34 of the Performance Plus Podcast, we deeply dive into how to grip for pull-ups, muscle-ups, and toes to bar. We kick the episode off by covering why the sketch grip (no thumbs) is not an option—explaining it from a performance and safety perspective. Then we roll into variations of a gymnastics grip for different implements like rings, …

Building CrossFit Pull-up Strength

Building Pull-up Strength

So you just joined the box, and you see all this swinging and kipping on the rig. You are wondering, first, what in the world is going on? And second, how can I do that, or should I do that? Is this the right way to build pull-up strength? Well, what you don’t realize is the foundation of the Kipping …


The 6-12-25 Method for Hypertrophy Gains

On this podcast episode, Dr. Zach Long and Coach Johnny B discuss the 6-12-25 method. Want to get JACKED? If you are looking for body builder-like hypertrophy gains, Charles Poliquin’s famous 6-12-25 method is for you! It is the fastest way to get ripped without getting skinny. The 6-12-25 method, popularized by Charles Poliquin, facilitates massive lactate spikes, facilitating growth …

Mayhem Athlete

Why Mayhem Programming Is The Best

On this episode of the Performance Plus Podcast, we are joined by the Director of Mayhem Athlete, Jake Lockert, to discuss why Mayhem Athlete’s programming is just flat better than everyone else’s.  If you are not familiar with Jake, he is a long-time games-level Mayhem Athlete who became the president of the company after partnering with Rich Froning to do …

core strength overhaul

Accessory Workouts For Fitness Athletes

Many fitness athletes crush their daily WOD, eat right, and sleep properly. But still, they find themselves looking for just a little more to help push their performance. For many athletes, adding targeted accessory workouts can be the key to hitting their performance goals. At Performance Plus, we specialize in writing accessory programs for athletes of all levels, helping you …

kipping ring muscle-ups

Learning the Kipping Ring Muscle-Up

The foundation of a Kipping Ring Muscle-Up is the Strict Ring Muscle-Up, but many athletes have difficulty making that transition. The top 3 issues we see with athletes are their difficulty in transferring to a different grip, controlling the swing, and retraining the timing of the skill. Let’s attack these common mistakes and show you how to train this dynamic …